
Empathetic Type Nines are ever seeking harmony both in their inner and outer worlds. With their easy-going and agreeable attitudes, nines love nothing more than keeping the peace and going with the flow, however this can lead to people-pleasing and a tendency towards complacency. Our nurturing blend of energizing peppermint, tension-relieving eucalyptus, and mentally stimulating white thyme, encourages nines to retreat out of their minds, live in the moment, and promote a sense of balance.

Type Nine Oil

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Nines are known to get caught up in creating a harmonious inner world which can cause adrenal imbalance and fatigue from overstimulation in their outerworld. To promote balance on both sides, this blend boosts alertness and encourages self-effacing nines to freely speak about what’s on your lovely mind, knowing that you matter. 

Peppermint: Stimulating peppermint enlivens the senses and promotes a feeling of energy and alertness so nines inner voice is heard and revered.  

Eucalyptus: Globulus Calming yet energizing eucalyptus releases tension to help nines let go of tense feelings for a clear and calm mind so they can listen to their inner voice.

White Thyme: This stimulating aroma gets the wheels turning for receptive nines and offers a change of pace when feeling mentally lethargic.

Aromatic: Apply 4-5 drops to your diffuser and dilute with water. Do not ingest.

Topical: Dilute 3% essential oil with a carrier oil of your choice to desired area. For external use only. 

Most essential oils are not recommended during pregnancy or lactation, please consult a health practitioner prior to use.