Clarissa Pinkola Estés

"The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door."

Your True Nature is your Home. I’s an Essence that resides deep within you, underneath any mood, self-image, belief or behaviour.

We are born with our Enneagram Type forming a blueprint on our being. The Essence of each Enneagram type is its own sacred expression of Source.  When we come in to this world we know our Essence as our Home. 

During infancy, however; we begin to loose contact with our Essence. This loss causes each of the nine Types to develop nine different strategies in effort to recreate our experience of Essence and to feel safe in the world. These strategies form our Personalities.

Our Personalities continue to develop in response to the external world, based on our Enneagram blueprint. A healthy development of our Personality is important, as we need it to function, survive and thrive. Many of us become so identified with the Personality however, that we forget our True Nature. The more we disconnect from our Essence the more distorted our strategies to compensate become and the more we suffer.

Our suffering is homesickness. We are aching to feel at home in ourselves and in the world. Longings, dreams and nagging emotions are letters from Home that our conscious mind fails to notice or understand. 

I believe that the purpose of life is to live the life of a Heroine and our quest is to find our way Home. 

my philosophy is essentially this:

Who Desire a Deeper Way of Living and Loving

For the Curious
& ready

somatic enneagram COACHING

Felt fully present, without worry of the future or relenting about the past?

the last time you...

Let yourself be silly and playful just for the fun of it?

the last time you...

Honestly got a great night’s sleep?

the last time you...

Navigated a sticky situation and it didn’t bring you down?

the last time you...

Created something just for the sake of being creative?

the last time you...

Went for something with boldness because you actually believed you could achieve it?

the last time you...

Aren't you sick of the drain and the dread and the distance between you and your joy?

My own self-discovery process began in 2008 after the breakdown of my first marriage, years of struggling with depression and constantly feeling like something was missing. I attended the Journey Practitioner Program, which first opened my eyes, later followed by several courses and certifications like Body Talk Life Sciences, the Demer’s Group Professional Coach Certification, Enneagram training with the Enneagram Institute and the CP Enneagram Academy, as well as becoming a Certified Somatic Enneagram Coach through the Deep Coaching Institute.

All of that has led me to the belief that we’re each on this planet to grow in kindness and love. There is truly nothing more important than learning to love on a deeper level. For many of us, it starts with learning to love ourselves.

Combining all the tools I have gathered over the years, along with firsthand experience, ancient wisdom, spirituality, and common sense, I work with people from all walks of life. The impact of being coached in my own life has been incredible and the results I’ve witnessed in my clients’ lives have been astounding. I can’t wait to help you further discover the beauty within yourself and create a more loving world together.

I’ve always been infinitely curious about psychology and spirituality. A love for diving deep into the mysteries of our existence has evolved into a passion for helping others understand where they fit in the universe and how they can reconnect with who they truly are and create a beautiful life. 

Meet Anna
Life & Enneagram Coach

a Balance of Opposites Pursuing a Life of Purpose


The Enneagram is a model of our human psyche based on nine personality types. The system functions as a map for self-discovery, healing, personal and spiritual growth. When we discover our dominant Enneagram type we find out where we are on this map. Once we know our type and we know where we are on the map we know which of the nine paths we need to embark on for our unique healing and growth journey.

By discovering our Enneagram type we are able to identify our subconscious conditioning, and gain a whole new perspective on our reality. Our personality patterns, beliefs and essential truth live in our bodies. To achieve true transformation we need to access wisdom beyond our mind. When we combine the profound teachings of the Enneagram with Somatic exploration we create deep change that lasts. From this place we can transform our self-limiting patterns into life-enhancing personal empowerment. 

my approach

the enneagram and somatics