A little introduction.
Welcome to our very first blog post. We are so excited that you are joining us here, right at the beginning of this new journey that has our hearts soaring! First off, we thought we’d share a little bit about ourselves and how Spirit & Spear came to life. In a way, we feel like our business was already alive and breathing before we became aware – as if it had already chosen us and was just waiting for us to say YES!!
Spirit & Spear was born because it’s time for us to use our experiences, passion and expertise to serve others who find themselves where we have been. We are ordinary people who have been through heartaches and losses, made mistakes, failed and had to start over. We know what it’s like to have your dreams shattered, to feel lonely, empty and lost. We also know that if it were not for the pain we wouldn’t be where we are now. We have found our way back home; back to our true selves and a way to create a peaceful and fulfilling life.

Rebuilding our lives took faith, perseverance and the courage to look our selves in the mirror. Determined to use every negative occurrence for good, today our mission is to inspire, encourage and support others through both the wonderful and difficult times. Combining all the tools we both have gathered in our toolboxes, our own experiences, ancient wisdom, spirituality and common sense, we work with people from all walks of life. We’re here to inspire and help guide others on their paths back home as well.
A lot has changed lately. Many of us are experiencing uncertainty and fear. Launching our business in the midst of a world that’s been turned upside-down is certainly not what we had in mind. However; these are times when taking care of our body, heart and mind is more important than ever – both for dealing with the current circumstances and for preparing for what’s ahead.
We are Anna and Tristan, a husband and wife coaching team based in Alberta, Canada. We grew up worlds apart, have opposite personalities and yet we share very similar past experiences and have chosen to live by the same mottos;

We are both divorced and are now remarried and blessed with a beautiful blended family including children/bonus children ranging from age 3 to 26. When we are not working, we enjoy walking and playing outside, cooking yummy meals and spending time with family and friends.
Our favorite show is American version of The Office. So far we have watched all 9 seasons at least five times, and it keeps getting funnier. Anna admits she can be quite picky and normally prefers independent shows, but no other show makes her laugh as much as The Office.

Tristan grew up in Alberta and is a rugged, outdoorsy Canadian through and through. He is bold, spontaneous and goofy and will turn any day into an adventure. He says exactly what he thinks and loves to make people laugh. He teases Anna daily, but in a way that makes her feel important and loved more than ever. His heart is huge and he never hesitates to reach out to anyone who needs help, even if they just need a joke to brighten up their day.
Anna is a homebody, yet loves to travel. Tristan goes stir crazy if he is stuck at home too long, but travel does not excite him, although of course he tags along. Most of our trips are to Sweden to visit Anna’s family. We also love spending time at our little lake cabin in Saskatchewan, but are considering downsizing to a tiny camper. That way we hope to see more of this beautiful country we live in.

Contrary to Tristan, Anna is calm and gentle. She came to Canada on a university exchange and ended up staying. Had she known how homesick she would be and the challenges her new life would present she would maybe never have left Sweden. Having said that, she wouldn’t change a thing; she feels blessed to be exactly where she is and grateful for everything it took to get her there, including any struggles. Before coaching, she worked with interior design, which is still a big passion. She loves to craft, garden and any reason to celebrate.
As perfect opposites we complement and balance each other. When we met in our late 30s we had both done a lot of soul-searching and maturing. We continue to support each other to be the best version of ourselves and we are committed to do the same for our Spirit and Spear tribe. We are truly passionate about learning and growing, and about sharing our knowledge and tools in hopes of creating a healthier world together.
We’ve created this blog to share tips, tools and inspiration for you to discover better health in mind, body and heart. Whether your goal is to improve your relationships, get into shape, build more confidence, or simply find more joy, it’s achievable and doable. Every journey starts with a first step, and we’d be thrilled to be a part of yours! Be gentle with yourself, enjoy the process and allow yourself to dream BIG. That’s when the magic happens!
We’d love to get to know you! Please tell us something about yourself in the comment section below. What brightens your day? What are you struggling with at the moment? What is your heart longing for? We can’t wait to hear all about it!!